Red Dwarf
Red Dwarf is a British comedy franchise which primarily comprises eight series of a television science fiction sitcom that aired on BBC Two between 1988 and 1999 and gained a cult following.
I have searched for any diecast rendition of this favorite sci-fi show. Red Dwarf would be tough for almost any scale, if to scale of Bandai SOC Yamato, Red Dwarf would take up a picnic table.
This release is made by Corgi and is extremely small (ships are around 4″) and you can tell right from the packaging they may be small but they are well crafted.
I long for a growth ray-gun with this release but I like the detailing.
You have the title Red Dwarf on its clear plastic stand (included).
You have the totally not to scale Starbug (should look like a pin tip next to Red Dwarf), also on its superfluous stand.
The set is cute and comes with two small plastic Dave Lister and Arnold Judas Rimmer figures.
Overall it is too small but for around twenty five dollars including shipping, it is better than nothing to remind me of this great show… anyone ever see larger die cast ships give me the 411 (I know of a larger plastic Starbug…)
I heard they are re-releasing in 2012…lets hope!