Riotrooper was provided by Tamashii Bluefin!
Kamen Rider 555 (Faiz) was a pretty decent show. The ending seemed lackluster to me, but for some reason I enjoyed the movie. One of my favorite things about the movie were these mass produced faux-Kamen Riders called Riotroopers. Bandai has once again created an action figure of something I never realized I needed until I saw it.
Riotroopers are a para-military force created by Smart Brain to protect the Orphonochs and destroy any human resistance. According to the Faiz movie, Paradise Lost, there were about 10,000 of these soldiers mass-produced. They were created using data from Kamen Rider Faiz’s belt, but the belts aren’t quite as strong as his. While individual Riotroopers aren’t as powerful as an actual Kamen Rider, in groups they can pose a serious threat. SO, let’s see if I can Justi-Faiz this purchase.
Alright, the sculpting on this guy is great. As a mass-produced semi-Rider, the suit details are very simplified yet elegant, and the toy shows it. Everything on this toy looks really great, and I haven’t been able to find any mistakes or bad detailing. Plus, Riotrooper feels great in your hand. The plastic is very sturdy, and he even has diecast feet. That’s something that is usually left out of newer Figuarts.
As far as accessories go, he is very very light. He comes with fists, calm hands, one holding hand, and a knife. That’s it. BUT, the knife can be a GUN too! Of course, that’s still more than Figuarts Agito, so I shouldn’t complain like that. For what it’s worth, the Axel Ray Gun is rendered really well here.
So, while the accessories are a bit lackluster, the articulation is still as good as ever for a Figuart. There are still ball joints and swivels EVERYWHERE. You can put him in any pose you could ever want, so that’s definitely a plus.
So, at first I was very disappointed with this release. I could only put him in a couple of poses, and everything just seemed so limited. I just couldn’t think of any reason why anyone would pay a premium for one of these guys. Then, it hit me. You don’t buy a Riotrooper to be cool and pose like a hero. You buy a Riotrooper for this:
From the time my belt was first assembled I had but one goal. As the others have fallen around me, one directive has permeated throughout my very being:
Eliminate the Riders.
RIDERS! You all underestimate the power of the Orphenoch! Our power is beyond ESTIMATION!
*sob* Mommy……..