Anime Export W-Wings Version-Shin Getter 1 (Weathering Version)

Original MSRP: 150.00
Toy Number: SG-20

When I first began collecting modern Chogokin, I had missed the initial release of most Aoshima Chogokin. The SG-01 Shin Getter and Neo-Getter were going for like 170 plus and rising. Fast forward to now…Aoshima/Miracle House Getter Robo’s litter the landscape of collecting and prices have plummeted. Bad news for anyone who bought them at the overpriced height of price warring ( I [pre-ordered] did on all three, sold SG-20 before it plummeted and bought back last week, but still got hosed on the other two). Great news for now, Neo-Getter 1 (Black version), Getter 1 (damaged version) , and this baby have fallen to 1/3 of their initial cost.

Released in 2008 by Anime Export is a limited to 1500 Weathering Color W-wings version of Shin Getter 1. It comes in a typical box with cool cover graphic, back layout, normal Styrofoam tray, two sets of wings, both Getter tomahawk and scythe, and closed/open/flashing fists (6 in total).

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The figure has the normal look with green windowed plastic panels, nice red, and the smallish head that SG-01 had.

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The smaller W-wings look cool, but not as cool as closed wing Getter versions.

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The three flaws come into play with the wider wings: the mechanism on the back is not spring loaded (#1) or as safe as the SG-01, the larger wings often slowly fall out (#2), and just like all Aoshima Shin Getter’s they are kind of floppy at the leg joints ( #3)…the all diecast legs are too heavy for the small plastic joint.

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The larger wings look great though…

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I like both weapons and appreciate that this version comes with both. The tomahawk is great.

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The scythe is wonderful.

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Together they are awesome…

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Beware that when sliding fists it can cause paint chips.

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It was released at around 150 but can be had at like 50 dollars right now (got mine for 45 sans shipping). It is missing the cool spring flip wings of SG-01, but having two sets of wings and both weapons, I recommend he joins your robo posse.

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