Simulacrum 2

This is number 2 of a 5 piece combiner. (here’s a quick preview)


The package is similar to the rest of the series. Number 2 is a space shuttle of some sort. The name for the shuttle is a bit odd, “Simulacrum 2”. It’s not a bad representation of a shuttle, but it’s not a lot to get excited about.

simulacrum 4

simulacrum 3

Here’s a quarter for scale.

simulacrum 2

The transformation is quite fun, and hits a balance by being not too overly complex, but not too simple either.


simulacrum 5

simulacrum 6

simulacrum 7

simulacrum 8

simulacrum 9

simulacrum 10

Here’s another quarter for scale.

simulacrum 1

Transformation is pretty satisfying. It’s not the most fun looking vehicle out of the series, but it’s not too bad.

Only one more part of the team to review and then the combination.