
Original MSRP: 21000
Toy Number: 16

I was but a wee lad when this shape shifting character was traveling the airwaves so I never got to watch Space Ironmen Kyodain. That and I didn’t live in Japan. However, that didn’t stop me from digging this design. You may have already come across JoshB’s review for the GA-47 Chogokin Skyzel, so I bring to the table Bandai’s relatively recent release of Skyzel (or Skysel) for you guys to check out. It’s your standard Bandai vinyl fare, nice sculpt, good paint application and low price. It has your standard Bandai full color cardboard tag with what seems like a short description of Skyzel in Japanese.

Sofubi Damashii Skyzel (Skysel)

Articulation is limited to the shoulders, head and waist. Paint application is very precise for a cheap vinyl toy. For a vinyl figure with such small feet, Skyzel has no problem standing.

Sofubi Damashii Skyzel (Skysel)

Sofubi Damashii Skyzel (Skysel)

I really like the fact that Bandai went the extra mile and made his “eyes” clear vinyl so you can see his cranial innards. Very nice touch indeed.

Sofubi Damashii Skyzel (Skysel)

Check out the details on his belt. Not rushed at all.

Sofubi Damashii Skyzel (Skysel)

Eat this Batman.

Sofubi Damashii Skyzel (Skysel)

If there is one thing I look for in a vinyl, it’s attention to details that are otherwise looked over and ignored by the casual collector. I absolutely love when they make it look like a guy in a suit. Bandai captures that charm by molding an occasional wrinkle or bulge into the figure. They even molded seams on the inner sides of Skyzel’s boots. Unfortunately, this figure does not shape-shift into a jet like it’s onscreen counterpart but it looks darn cool as is… and silly. In a super awesome way of course.

Sofubi Damashii Skyzel (Skysel)