Planet Saver 星球戰擊王

Original MSRP: 180

For a review of the Space Deleter Solar Saver, go here.

The second Saver introduced in Space Deleter, Planet Saver is piloted by Space Deleter Green and Space Deleter Yellow. Powered by the Jupiter and Saturn Force respectively, Planet Saver only consists of two vehicles, RCV-4 and RCV-5.


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Planet Saver-01

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Planet Saver-03


Packaging has stayed the same as Solar Saver, coming in an identical sized cardboard box with an image of Planet Saver on the front. Inside is a nice heavy cardboard, along with instructions, card, mini catalogue and some random stickers. A handle part only used for the combined Galaxy Saver is also included. The box actually calls the Planet Saver, Solar Saver, which is incorrect. While it could be a typo, I’m assuming whoever translated it used the wrong context for the characters. 星球(xingqiu) is most commonly used to refer to a planet, but Star Wars is also translated as 星球大战 (xingqiu dazhan). I’m assuming what happened is someone at Auldey used the word in the Star Wars context instead of their own naming convention and the correct usage of the word.


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The RCV-4 is a yellow drill tank called Gangzhuan Hao. Keeping in tradition of Chinese names that really don’t make any sense, especially translated into English, the tank will be loosely translated as Steel Drill. The Steel Drill’s six wheel can all roll independently as well as the two forward drills and transforms into the upper half of Planet Saver. The body of the Steel Drill becomes the entire torso of Planet Saver, with the wheels becoming the arms and drills becoming the shoulders.


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RCV-5 is a green saucer shaped spaceship with a name that makes even less sense than Steel Drill. The best approximation would be Shadow Disc. Compared to the Steel Drill, the Shadow Disc is rather plain and essentially just a hockey puck with wings. Shadow Disc becomes the legs of the Planet Saver and splits apart while a center piece becomes the front skirt armor. Each half of Shadow Disc opens up so the thigh and heel can fold out.


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When combined, the Planet Saver is a bulky looking robot with giant claws for hands and definitely has a ‘ground’ type feel to it. The arms have a small range of motion with elbow articulation though the shoulder drills will hinder the arms from rotating all the way up. I think Solar Saver is still a better looking design, but I do enjoy the Planet Saver aesthetic. The head design sort of reminds me of Assault Saver’s lion motif and the two flip up antennae are a little loose and do not like to stay up evenly.


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Solar Saver and Planet Saver have the ability to combine into Galaxy Saver, with the Shadow Disc becoming the feet and Steel Drill becoming the arms. Only the arms need to be removed from Solar Saver and the feet fold down to insert into Shadow Disc. The Steel Drills wheels fold into triangular shoulders which also act as guns in the show I believe.


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Combined, Galaxy Saver looks really impressive and stands almost 15 inches tall. Unlike recent Super Sentai designs, all the parts of Galaxy Saver mesh together really well, with maybe the exception of the Solar Saver arms attached to the feet. Galaxy Saver uses Solar Saver’s head with the head crest flipped up though I would have liked if they included an entirely new head for the combined form. The handle attachment is also finally used on Galaxy Saver, allowing it to hold the rocket weapon from Solar Saver while either hand can also flip out a basic socket that allows the twin drills from Planet Saver to plug in, allowing Galaxy Saver to duel wield its weapons.

Planet Saver is a fun toy though a bit simpler than Solar Saver. The plastic quality is still excellent, using the same slightly marbled look that Solar Saver has. The toy is solid and heavy, probably capable of surviving falls from quite a few feet up and really makes the quality of Bandai of America Megazords seem like the knockoffs. I especially love Galaxy Saver and think the design is awesome. It feels great to hold a gigantic robot that holds together solidly without worry of anything falling off. The Space Deleter toys are truly the Super Sentai we deserve, and I really wish they would get some more exposure. I still see occasional comments dismissing these toys because they originate in China, but they really prove that China is catching up fast to Japanese quality toys. You can’t compare to quality to BoA or Hasbro, at the very least it rivals BoJ. I can’t recommend these enough, and I truly think any Tokusatsu fan would love these toys. Super Sentai has been flooded with excessive collecting gimmicks and weird designs that don’t work very well while Space Deleter has come to take its place. This is a 100% pure toy, no gimmicks, no BS, all fun. Buy it. Now.