Super Force-Wolf
I found Super Force-Wolf and it’s cousin Robot Triceretops at the Raynham Flea Market. The one dealer who had a decent selection of Japanese toys, and I choose the crappy bootlegs. And of course I bargained on the price, scoring them both for $15. How could I not? It’s a flea market after all. If you are not bargaining you are doing something wrong.
Technically though, these are not bootlegs. They come from a long line of off-brand toys that feature a similar transformation and similar head. These designs and transformation scheme have been passed around from manufacturer to manfacturer for the better part of 15 years. Each one makes completely new molds of basically the same transformation mechanism.
Which brings us to Super Force-Wolf. Part of the Mechanbot line from Toy House, this gets the number 324. According to the back of the package, there are four releases in the line, of which I have two. Each comes on a blister card that has those tabs around the back that allows you to re-seal the packaging.
As Super Force-wolf is packaged in robot mode, thats where we’ll begin. Right away I notice that this is not any ordinary bootleg. The quality is much much better. I was expecting cheap plastic but this is molded in high quality ABS, with sharp mold lines and great paint application. None of the hallmarks of a typical bootleg are here. There are no sprue marks anywhere, the paint is tight and clean, and I don’t feel like i’ve contracted any type of disease from it.
And robot mode is actually good looking. It’s got a Zoids meets Beast Wars aesthetic that actualy works. The colors are bright but it fits this design. Transformation is simple and intuitive.
Included withy the toy is a weapons platform and a gun. The platform can be displayed on its own by turning the legs down and unfolding the cannon on the back. The large gatling cannon on the front rotates freely but does not fire anything.
To attach this weapon to the robot you unfold a peg at the rear of the cannon, fold the rear section over, and plug it into a spot on the back. The end result is a heavily armored albeit top heavy robot mode.
A generic yellow gun attaches to either fist, rounding out the armament.
Wolf mode is even better. Everything comes together in an original and attractive package. I don’t care for Beast Wars but I am impressed with the design considering the quality one usually gets from cheap toys.
The giant gatling cannon can also mount onto the back on the same hole as before.
This thing really surpassed my expectations for such a cheap toy.