Tokkyu Mammoth
In the 1982 anime Ippatsuman, the Tokyuu Mammoth is the carrier mode for the super robot Sankan-Oh (reviewed here). In the show, the Tokkyu Mammoth has three modes – a wheeled carrier mode, a walking mode, and Sankan-Oh (robot mode). This toy however is just the walker mode which resembles a large armored elephant.
The box is beautiful and inside the Mammoth is cradled in a bed of styrofoam. The only accessories are a few missiles on a sprue. The missiles have two slightly different styles.
The mammoth’s lower rear legs and lower body are diecast metal. The rest is high quality plastic.
Each leg can move independently, the head can rotate and the ears can move. The rear feet are also jointed.
On each side of the Mammoth are movable chrome cannons.
The main gimmick for this toy is the opening compartment on its back that conceals a missile firing cannon. Split open the rear compartment and unfold the cannon, then close the compartment around the panels. Simple, yet effective.
The missile launcher can fire two missiles independently. The launcher can also swivel at the top of its platform.
It’s not a remarkable toy, but it’s fun enough. It’s got decent diecast but is light on gimmicks, and I’ll admit that I am a little disappointed it doesn’t transform into Sankan-Oh. But this was designed as a lower-cost option to the pricer deluxe sets so it gets a pass.