
Original MSRP: 14.99

Double Cross, or in this case Twinferno, (cool name or not, he will be Double Cross for the remainder of the review) is a figure that I thought would never happen, but now that it has, I’m both surprised and really excited.

Robot mode is a perfect reimagining of the original. Everything is given modern detail and design complexity while keeping very true to it’s roots. The head sculpt is probably one of my favorite in a long time. It’s so late G1 in its simplicity, but there are a lot of little panel lines that break it up. The legs are probably the best part of the redesign. The split tail sections cling very tightly to the sides, giving them a clean profile, and the dragon legs form the robot mode feet, which is a very intuitive way to clean up the design and actually provide double cross with some real feet; something the original figure was lacking.

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One other really good part, are the dragon wings. They are molded in a translucent smoke gray plastic, with black paint outlining it. It reminds me of bug wings, like the clear parts are membranes. Overall, the robot mode is a great reimagining of the original that also fixes basically every flaw in the original design. Articulation is standard, but the arms are really limited due to their lack of wrist articulation, considering the holes for weapons are on the sides when Double Cross’s arms are bent. His Titan master is amazing too, as it’s actually commander sheep from Transformers: headmasters, complete with his eyepatch!





Size is kind of a funny thing for Double Cross, as I might have expected such a fearsome dragon to be a little… bigger.


Accessories come in the form of two black guns that can peg onto many different parts of the figure, or connect together for a bigger gun that can store on his back.





Double Cross has a very good transformation that pulls off some very surprising moves. The upper body turns inside out, revealing the dragon arms, and the feet unfold with the robot legs to complete the dragon’s lower half. The alt mode itself is very cool as well. It looks very similar to the original, but now features a silly underbite and a translucent gray cockpit for his head to sit in. I love it!





In conclusion, Double Cross (or Twinferno) is a very good interpretation of the G1 figure, and fixes basically every issue the original had. It also packs so much personality in its design, down to the underbites each dragon head has, and the Titan Master’s little eyepatch that, when coupled with an interesting transformation, versatile accessories, and a classic design makes this figure a definite must have. Now all they have to do is make the rest of the Monsterbots! Well, as deluxes anyway.