Yui Hirasawa

Original MSRP: 3,333
Toy Number: 086

Things I don’t talk about much: I am a huge fan of “K-On!” There’s something about that series that just makes me happy, like prozac, only better. And because of that, just for funsies, I picked up a Yui Nendoroid. 

In the box:

Nendoroid Yui from “K-On!”

And now, in her case:

Nendoroid Yui from “K-On!”

Here she is!

Nendoroid Yui from “K-On!”

If Yui were running for president (God help us all), this would be her “Vote for Yui!” poster. 

Nendoroid Yui from “K-On!”

She comes with her adorable little guitar and amp, with hands to match. 

Nendoroid Yui from “K-On!”

And two other faces.

Nendoroid Yui from “K-On!”

Nendoroid Yui from “K-On!”

You can also see her alternate legs, as well as hands, in that last picture.

It’s a pretty simple, straightforward figure. I love the stand on this one – one of the older stands. I only have a couple that use these, and man, I love them. I’m very partial to stands that don’t require drilling holes in the back of figures or wedging a clear bar underneath long hair. I don’t think it’s likely we’ll see these stands anytime in the near future, though; Yui is Nendo number 86, so we’re quite a ways away from her now. Good Smile has, sadly, moved on. 

Nendoroid Yui from “K-On!”

As always with Nendoroids, Yui is flawless. She’s a lovely character on a lovely figure. Quality is superb; there’s really nothing to complain about here. I’m glad I finally picked her up.