Zip Builder
Beast Saga is a continuation of the series Battle Beasts (in North America) and Beast Formers in Japan.
You can read more about the history of it Battle Beasts here.
Package comes in a nice clam shell so you can slip on and off (it’s a nice little touch for those who like to keep their packaging for storage or display). This is the Third Vehicle in the series.
The jipurto Zip Builder
Zip Builder Jipuroto comes in package in its box form. I like that all the toys in this series come in its simplest form ready to pop out in full form.
Here it is beside a quarter for scale.
For figures it comes with a Crocodile, elephant and a hamster I believe.
The figures have no articulation.
But the details are beautiful.
Here’s the Front
And here’s the Back.
Let’s jump right into the Video for the transformation.
There’s a windup motor, that’s wound up when changing it into it’s box form.
There’s a lot of detail on every angle of this vehicle.
The Front Blade of the Zip Builder allows for either Friendly or Baddies to sit in.
You can see a small arm that can swing down and trap the baddies if you want.
The tracks are a solid piece. They don’t turn, but there are small wheels on the underside.
The Claws have some articulation, but the arms are spring loaded. So you can’t have any posing with them unfortunately. It’s really a small sacrifice for the exploding transformation.
You can just get 3 of the figures in the Vehicle. There’s just enough room for two figures on the top main platform. But it just looks better with the one figure on there.
In terms of length, this one is the longest in the series.
Definitely my second favorite in the series (the Tank is my number 1).